It was long time I released screen. Well there are two from mine collab parts. Dont ask me which collab it will be. I will not tell you. And the release date is unknown too. I just hope it will be this year.
Btw. because I deleted all my previous posts. All of you have lost links to all my tests and sprites. So I give you back link to Dedication sprites:
To my sounds:
And I will be generous so I am giving you mine Felicitation sprites which I were uprading. BUT I made this sprites to be more User sprites. i combined into them some Gunsheet from Elias, some items and blood from Krinkels. I made this because I hate when i have milion files opened at flash program. So I decided to make one spriteheet which will be comfortable for me. But many of them are mine. Feel free to use but give some credit pls.