For those people who took last post wrong. I am not leaving yet. I am just done with collabs, because there is not necessary to be in them for me. But about solo movies I didnt tell a thing.
But about thing I need.
I lost many files I had and almost all collab parts i made. If you guys have some of my collab parts or tests can you pm me them? Or do you know how to decompile them from collabs? Or how I could change a music from swf I have not a fla file? I want to make a small compilation of my parts.
I can remove the music from all of your collab parts and tests, but it'll be in MP4 format
if you want I could send you them as MP4s or I could edit them together into one MP4 like I did with this video:
I could try converting them to .fla files but there's a chance a lot of the movements and effects will break if I try to do that.
Yeah it doesnt matter if it is in mp4. I just need all my collab parts decompile from collabs because I dont have files of them. without music but with sounds.