I recieved some messages last days. About how my stuff is going, about joining collabs etc. So I must make this post because I was thinking about many things.
So sorry to people which are hosting collabs where I am in. But I am leaving your collabs. Many new animators improved to Monster level. They are smoother, faster, use special efects that I dont know how to make. They have many good ideas that dont even occur me.
Many of you are way far from me. Dont get it wrong. I am really happy about current status of new madness animators. I remember that days when madness animators were on really desperate level. Current animators have sense to surprise. And many old animators moved their skills higher. I did nothing last years.
In past collabs I was joining with vision to show something special, move collab score higher. Now I have nothing to offer.
My joining in collabs is not necessary anymore, just because of my name mean something. Many of new animators are way better than me. Give them chance to shine..
Sorry to kRyy and many others but I have any interest to be in your collabs, but dont worry. That doesnt mean I am dead. I have some plans about my 10 years on newgrounds anniversary. More info later.
Its true that its getting harder and harder to reach the new level of madness animation
lets just say we all end up being good at what we do for year
It is time to new generation show us something. And I will not stand in their way. :)