It´s been a while I made a post, huh? I ended up my dance career and reached some motivation for animations. I decided to make a collab part just to see how my skills changed after 2 years of no animations. In fact my skills are not completely gone but it´s average. Some things are taking me too long to animate. Some movements are slower than before because i cant do that fast. But you´ll see. I give that to Zeophyte´s collab which will be out soon. This year will be different for me. I will change my job. I will move to new home etc. And mostly for you guys I will be more active in animations. I have some rests here and I cant leave before they will be done. Even if it take me hundred years. First of all I animate some collab parts. Zeophytes one is done. Secret one is waiting and maybe Kirxee´s collab. After that continuation if madness Infinite is waiting and Madness Hardstyle remake but with different name and plot.
Oh and i forgot. I am planing to make a youtube channel for my animations. But it will be hard because of copyrights rules. You know many of my animations have copyrighted music. Like madness hardstyle, felicitation, infinite. i want to change that but i dont know how. because I lost .fla files . same about compilation of my collab parts. many of collab parts I lost. like asservation second part. czechstination 3rd part and I dont know how I could take them back.
All cool bro, welcome back I guess. If you really want to get bit more active in community, you might as well join our discord made by me and kenamy
Well. I dont have discord. But maybe I will get it.